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More Equal Europe Together – Preventing Islamophobia Against Women & Girls

The meet project aims to prevent Islamophobia against women and girls in Europe by:

» Empowering key actors at local level to build a culture of tolerance and respect. The need to achieve mutual understanding and dialogue among different stakeholders is essential for a European society able to ensure to all citizens, especially the most vulnerable, the access to fundamental rights and equal opportunities.

» Fostering a positive narrative of Muslim girls and women engaging youth and young leaders. Youth are the key actors able to develop critical thinking and promote the importance of breaking stereotypes.


  1. Set-up of Local Observatories on Islamophobia to monitor racism and discrimination acts and to propose action plans to Local Authorities
  2. Workshops on video making and debate education to create a pool of young Equity Defenders
  3. Advocacy activities through the engagement of European Institutions on the enforcement of EU legal framework
  4. Spreading a counter narrative campaign to fight Islamophobia against women and girls